Sunday, March 28, 2010

I'm a slacker!!! :)

O.K. so it's only been what two months since I last blogged! Oh my goodness I'm such a slacker! So whats new and exciting in the Dickson world.... Not a whole lot! Russ' grandmother has been in the hospital so that has taken up some of my time then we had a wonderful time visiting with cousins whom came out here from Tenn. and Alabama.

Besides all of that our life has been somewhat calm! That was at least until last week and this week. Last week A.J. decided to join track and he is loving it! His first meet is Tuesday (tomorrow) and I can't wait to go and watch him! The bummer side is that his meet is one of the wonderful new events that just made this by far the worse week ever! Russ just got switched to a different crew so this week he was supposed to have his 7 days off only now he's working overnights instead... We already had scheduled PAWS testing every morning from 8am till 12pm Monday through Thursday in Powell for AJ and JR (that was switched last minute too), dentist appts. Monday starting at 1pm till 3pm in Cody, Tuesday grocery shopping day in Cody and now a track meet at 3pm in Greybull (for those of you not familiar with the area Cody is 45 mi SW of us with Powell on the way, while Greybull is 30 mi SE of us the oppisite direction) needless to say Russ will be running on about two hours of sleep because he's going to need to drive to Powell get the boys and meet me in Greybull! Then comes Wednesday! Testing in the morning again and Russ and I have our Dentist appts. in the morning in Cody! (again Russ no sleep!) Thursday last day of PAWS yipee!!!! Oh and I forgot to mention everyday this week AJ also has practice at 3pm urgh!!!! Then Friday off to Casper for my Arthritis appt. I'm a little excited but yet nerveous. Excited because maybe I'll finally get some good medication so that my pain is limited but yet nerveous because I may have to get shots!!!! Then we go to Laramie for the rest of the weekend so that I can recoop!

As if that wasn't bad enough wait till you hear about what happened to me today in Cody.... Today in Cody they were having 60 mph winds to start off with.... While there dealing with the winds we (my neighbor and my 4 youngest children if that wasn't hard enough!) went to Wal-Mart as I went to open my car door the wind caught it and ripped it open out of my hands and slammed all the way back; thank heavens it didn't hit the car next to us! I bent up the hinges on the door, I had to force it shut, and then I could no longer open it! URGH! That was about 10am (we didn't get home till 5pm) for the whole rest of the day I had to climb through my car just to get in and out because the driver side door was no longer usable; needless to say my neighbor got a great kick out of it! What timing right! When I got home I went to my friends auto shop and they adjusted it the best they could for now. The door will open and close but the wind still blows right through it! I just can't wait to travel to Laramie with my door like that. I tell you what I would like to go to bed and wake up only to discover it was all a bad dream!
Now that I've let all that out perhaps I'll be able to sleep tonight right?! Any how I promise to be more persistent on my blogging and update more often. I hope for the rest of you this will be a wonderful week with slightly less excitement! We miss you all and would love to see everyone again soon!

1 comment:

  1. I love your posts Torie!! They just crack me up. I am constantly amazed at your upbeat attitude and endless energy. We love you guys!

